Thursday, December 6, 2012


Barrett led Intel from the front, but little did we realise, he was the masthead for the entire industry...
He is also the brains behind Intel’s “copy exactly” process which Intel adopted full scale in 1996, and which was responsible for uniformity in facilities setup, increased economies of scale through viable output, more efficient logistics and improved yields. “Craig has had a very distinguished career at Intel.

Under his leadership, he turned Intel’s manufacturing operations in the best semiconductor manufacturer in the world,” explains Chuck Mulloy, an Intel Spokesperson. During his tenure as CEO, he oversaw a period of unprecedented growth, steered the company through two recessions, while ensuring that investments remain alive!

Ironically though, Barrett’s career closure may lack the shimmer as for the first time after 21 years of profitability, the company (and investors) are readying themselves for a loss in the last quarter of FY2008. [According to industry sources, a memo from CEO Paul Otellini to Intel employees supposedly noted that after 87 quarters of profit, 2009’s first quarter is “too close to call”.] Many regard Barrett as a statesman for the industry and as proof, he currently chairs the United Nations Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and Development. 35 years is a real long time, and all at Intel acknowledge that he was the man who led Intel’s growth into the largest semiconductor chip making entity! We’re not sure whether his earning peanuts ($0!) in bonus during 2006 & 2007 makes his exit less glorious, but one thing’s for sure – every time a computer will be switched on, there will be a smile on his face; for this man stood for the industry as a whole, a revolutionary in his own right! Fare thee well! 

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2012.
An Initiative of IIPMMalay Chaudhuri

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