Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Obama had a dream last night

Barack Obama has won the battle. Will he also be able to win the war?

Will Senator Barack Obama achieve what Martin Luther King dreamt of? Downing Hillary Clinton in America's mother of presidential battles, Obama has inspired Americans like few other Presidential hopefuls have, and is being put in the same league as the great Lincoln and Jefferson. His speeches, sharp, fresh, eloquent – and most importantly honest – have remarkably struck a deep chord in even sections that were earlier prone to partisan passions. After two disastrous Bush terms that saw America's popularity plummet to a record low, Obama's triumph is seen by all as the one thing this great country needs to stay together. With an economic slowdown besetting it along with so much else, the Americans and all those whom its well being impacts, now feel they have the man who can pull the country out of the current quagmire. Yet, all agree that Obama's choice of running mate will be crucial in the long haul. Texas-based analyst, Mike McIlvain, told B&E: "Obama will need strong support to help carry some areas, but former Navy pilot and Vietnam prisoner of war McCain has hurt himself by embracing Bush programmes and policies rather than be his own man. There is still a lot of hard work to be done by anyone involved in presidential politics between now and election day in November."

Being his own man has been the cause of Obama's super delegate winning spree, with delegate after delegate embracing his once obscure candidature.

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2012.

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